Artworks in Kroppedal Museum

Number of artworks: 9

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Photo Artist Title Date Type of work Museum
Ring, L.A.
Neighbor's Wife visiting
1907 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
The Smithy, Roskilde road
1910 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
The Brickyard near Hedehusene
1904 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
View from the entrance to the Mill
1910 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
At the Pond in Baldersbrønde
1907 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
The road through Høje Taastrup
1911 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
The road through the Village of Vadsby
1908 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
A couple walking, Baldersbrønde
1907 Painting
Kroppedal Museum
Ring, L.A.
Winter day in the Village of Ring
1887 Painting
Kroppedal Museum