Artists represented in Statens Museum for Kunst

Number of artists: 3788

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Artist Born Occupation Source
Abell, Kjeld
1901 dramatiker, tegner, teatermaler KID, Weilbach
Abildgaard, Nicolai
1743 arkitekt, historiemaler KID, Weilbach
Abondio, Antonio
1538 KID
Achen, Georg
1860 maler KID, Weilbach
Adam, Albrecht
1786 maler KID, Weilbach
Adam, Robert
1728 arkitekt, designer KID
Adami, Salomon
før 1665 KID, Weilbach
Adams, Dennis
1948 KID
Adler Petersen, Lene
1944 maler, tegner, grafiker KID, Weilbach
Adzer, Daniel
1732 medaljør KID, Weilbach
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