To use these add-ons, you'll need to download Firefox.


Simple Tab Groups

Create and customize tab groups.
Hent udvidelsen

Udvidelser er som apps til Firefox.

De føjer funktioner til Firefox, der gør din browsing hurtigere, mere sikker eller simpelthen sjovere.
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Control Panel for Twitter (Developer Spotlight)
Control Panel for Twitter (Developer Spotlight)
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Privacy & Security extensions
Privacy & Security extensions
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Social media enhancers
Social media enhancers
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Anbefalede udvidelser
  • SoundFixer


    Helps you fix annoying sound problems on sites like YouTube: audio in one channel only, too quiet or too loud. (Unfortunately, this extension does not work on all websites because of cross-domain issues — but it does work on YouTube!)

    34.284 brugere

  • Audio Equalizer

    Audio Equalizer

    Stylish audio equalizer in toolbar popup.

    37.325 brugere

  • LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG

    LeechBlock NG is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day. All you need to do is specify which sites to block and when to block them.

    70.044 brugere

  • Dark Background and Light Text

    Dark Background and Light Text

    Make every web page (or just the pages you want) display light text on dark backgrounds. All color variations are fully customizable.

    40.854 brugere

Populære temaer
Elite ad blockers
  • uBlock Origin

    uBlock Origin

    Endelig en effektiv blocker til Chromium-baserede browsere. Lavt CPU- og hukommelsesbrug.

    7.986.946 brugere

  • AdBlock for Firefox

    AdBlock for Firefox

    The most popular ad blocker for Chrome and Safari, now available for Firefox! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. Browse faster, too! Most ads aren't even downloaded at all, saving you time and bandwidth.

    1.217.923 brugere

  • AdGuard AdBlocker

    AdGuard AdBlocker

    Unmatched adblock extension against advertising and pop-ups. Blocks ads on Facebook, Youtube and all other websites.

    1.071.659 brugere

  • AdBlocker for YouTube™

    AdBlocker for YouTube™

    Remove all annoying ads from YouTube.

    474.235 brugere

Steam enhancers
  • SteamDB


    Adds SteamDB links and new features on the Steam store and community. View lowest game prices and stats.

    51.121 brugere

  • Augmented Steam

    Augmented Steam

    Augments your Steam Experience

    53.820 brugere

  • Steam URL Opener

    Steam URL Opener

    Allows you to open URLs inside Steam Client to save the hassle of logging in normal browser (with a single click on a button).

    4.841 brugere

  • ProtonDB for Steam

    ProtonDB for Steam

    Shows ratings from on Steam

    3.192 brugere

YouTube customization
  • AdBlocker for YouTube™

    AdBlocker for YouTube™

    Remove all annoying ads from YouTube.

    474.235 brugere

  • Enhancer for YouTube™

    Enhancer for YouTube™

    Tag kontrol over YouTube og boost din brugeroplevelse!

    579.356 brugere

  • SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    SponsorBlock - Skip Sponsorships on YouTube

    Easily skip YouTube video sponsors. When you visit a YouTube video, the extension will check the database for reported sponsors and automatically skip known sponsors. You can also report sponsors in videos. Other browsers:

    443.428 brugere

  • YouTube NonStop

    YouTube NonStop

    Tired of getting that "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation dialog? This extension autoclicks it, so you can listen to your favorite music uninterrupted. Working on YouTube and YouTube Music!

    132.734 brugere

“social media” tagged extensions
  • Return YouTube Dislike

    Return YouTube Dislike

    Returns ability to see dislike statistics on youtube

    658.541 brugere

  • Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express

    Easy Youtube Video Downloader Express

    A simple extension for superfast and easy YouTube downloads in FLV, 3GP, MP3, MP4, 720p, and 1080p formats.

    593.608 brugere

  • Enhancer for YouTube™

    Enhancer for YouTube™

    Tag kontrol over YouTube og boost din brugeroplevelse!

    579.356 brugere

  • Feedbro


    Advanced Feed Reader - Read news & blogs or any RSS/Atom/RDF source.

    48.448 brugere