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subego Apr 9, 2019 05:52 AM
The Minor Irritant Thread
I can’t refill my first aid kits in a timely manner because buying a a box of Claritin and Sudafed means I’m cooking up meth.

I think they stopped making BDU shorts with a button fly, which has been my warm weather uniform for at least 15 years.
Spheric Harlot Apr 9, 2019 07:35 AM
For the last three or four years, my belly button has started collecting fluff. This never used to be an issue that I can recall.
subego Apr 9, 2019 07:50 AM
That’s been a lifetime affliction with me.
mindwaves Apr 9, 2019 09:26 AM
1) The little little drop of rain on my glasses.
2) Walking under the building overhang when drop of water drops between my glasses and face.
3) People who use don't instead of doesn't.
4) That annoying guy at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park 2 days ago who tried making jokes at every single thing out loud. So very annoying.
Ham Sandwich Apr 9, 2019 09:29 AM
reader50 Apr 9, 2019 02:29 PM
Moms who bring their coughing sick kids with them to the grocery store. They cough in every direction, including on the fresh produce. Spreading the love. Remember, sharing is caring. And who couldn't use a few days off work.
Doc HM Apr 9, 2019 02:33 PM
I only wear my glasses for close up work ie opening up Macs etc. I put them on and bingo... condensation.

SO annoying.
Thorzdad Apr 9, 2019 03:16 PM
Grilling and wearing glasses. At the end of the day, there's always this thin film of almost-microscopic grease drops covering the lenses.
ghporter Apr 9, 2019 06:02 PM
People who hold their cell phones wrong.

Hold like it’s a Star Trek communicator...WRONG

Hold it so you talk to the bottom end of the phone...WRONG

Hold it right in front of your face as if using FaceTime, but you’re just making a voice call...WRONG

Etc, lather, rinse, repeat.

Sometimes these irritants are so numerous that they ascend beyond the “minor” label...
subego Apr 9, 2019 06:20 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ghporter (Post 4406327)
Hold it so you talk to the bottom end of the phone...WRONG
I’ve only seen this when people are on speakerphone, and it makes sense to me there.
subego Apr 9, 2019 06:31 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by reader50 (Post 4406321)
Moms who bring their coughing sick kids with them to the grocery store. They cough in every direction, including on the fresh produce. Spreading the love. Remember, sharing is caring. And who couldn't use a few days off work.
It would probably be good if America went full in on wearing masks when they’re sick, but I admit I don’t.

When I first noticed the people who use them most are Asian, I thought “WTF? Our American air not good enough? Toughen up.”

Imagine my surprise when I learned they’re wearing them because they’re putting in effort not to be an asshole... unlike me.
Laminar Apr 10, 2019 08:51 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by subego (Post 4406328)
I’ve only seen this when people are on speakerphone, and it makes sense to me there.
Ooo, there's a pet peeve - people driving, talking on speakerphone, holding the bottom of the phone at their mouth with the phone extended out in front of them like an oyster shell. Somehow that makes me more mad then someone just holding the phone up to their ear. And even that makes me more mad than someone using a handsfree device to talk in the car, even though talking handsfree is still just as distracting as any other method.
dav Apr 10, 2019 10:06 AM
ordering an ipad mini weeks ago, finding out it's been in stock at every local apple store for five business days before it finally shows up at my door.
subego Apr 10, 2019 10:14 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Laminar (Post 4406332)
Ooo, there's a pet peeve - people driving, talking on speakerphone, holding the bottom of the phone at their mouth with the phone extended out in front of them like an oyster shell. Somehow that makes me more mad then someone just holding the phone up to their ear. And even that makes me more mad than someone using a handsfree device to talk in the car, even though talking handsfree is still just as distracting as any other method.
Honestly, I’m peeved by phone calls. All of them.
subego Apr 10, 2019 12:20 PM
Speaking of distracted driving, I get way more distracted trying to keep my speed below 30 in a camera enforced speed zone than I do driving at the natural speed dictated by road width and traffic.
Dex13 Apr 10, 2019 12:36 PM
Why is the skip forward feature on the new apple remote so damn hard to find? It's mildly annoying that 50% of the time I end up pausing the thing I'm watching.
And for some reason, I can always toggle the skip backwards feature 100% of the time ... screw you apple, give me the old remote with the fast forward/backwards buttons.
subego Apr 10, 2019 08:46 PM
Black holes look dumb.
Laminar Apr 11, 2019 08:29 AM
Ham Sandwich Apr 11, 2019 09:20 AM
P Apr 11, 2019 09:36 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Dex13 (Post 4406345)
Why is the skip forward feature on the new apple remote so damn hard to find? It's mildly annoying that 50% of the time I end up pausing the thing I'm watching.
And for some reason, I can always toggle the skip backwards feature 100% of the time ... screw you apple, give me the old remote with the fast forward/backwards buttons.
I think the old AppleTV remote still works on the new AppleTV?
subego Apr 11, 2019 10:41 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by And.reg (Post 4406365)
At what wavelength did this get recorded? Radio? Infrared? Microwave? other...?
I heard in passing “planet sized dish”, which AFAIK is a radio trick.
P Apr 12, 2019 04:56 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by subego (Post 4406369)
I heard in passing “planet sized dish”, which AFAIK is a radio trick.
On Earth, it is. In space, it can be done with visible light - but yes, it was done with radio telescopes this time.
Thorzdad Apr 12, 2019 06:54 AM
So, I'm officiating at my son's upcoming wedding and, due to an extreme loss of weight, I needed to get a new dress shirt (to go along with a new suit) I had forgotten how ridiculous the packaging of men's dress shirts were. It's pretty obvious that the dress shirt industry is firmly in the pocket of Big Pin. There are pins everywhere! You spend more time searching-out and removing pins from the shirt than you do trying it on. I'm an odd size, so I had to try on several different shirts. At the end of the ordeal, I had this small mountain of pins sitting on my table.

In addition to the pins, there's also the cardboard forms and collar braces, as well as various plastic neck inserts and whatever they call that little plastic piece that sits over the top button. It's all pretty damned wasteful.
mindwaves Apr 12, 2019 07:30 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4406396)
So, I'm officiating at my son's upcoming wedding and, due to an extreme loss of weight, I needed to get a new dress shirt (to go along with a new suit) I had forgotten how ridiculous the packaging of men's dress shirts were. It's pretty obvious that the dress shirt industry is firmly in the pocket of Big Pin. There are pins everywhere! You spend more time searching-out and removing pins from the shirt than you do trying it on. I'm an odd size, so I had to try on several different shirts. At the end of the ordeal, I had this small mountain of pins sitting on my table.

In addition to the pins, there's also the cardboard forms and collar braces, as well as various plastic neck inserts and whatever they call that little plastic piece that sits over the top button. It's all pretty damned wasteful.
Totally agree with this. It is extremely wasteful. Where I work, there are bakeries where you walk in, grab a tray and a tong and pick your bread. You present your tray to the counter and the person bags your bread into individual baggies (with no handles), tapes them shut with a good amount of tape, and then places all of them (all being more than 2, sometimes 1 if you ask) into a bag with a handle and gives it to you. If you ask for additional bag with handle for your 1 piece of bread, it is also ok and many people do. Extremely wasteful. Bread doesn't have cooties, do they? The person is just doing to throw the bag away instantly. I may understand if the bread is covered in some sort of cream, but this is just bread rolls, bagel type of stuff.
reader50 Apr 12, 2019 04:11 PM
Agree on the new-clothes pinning. The good news is if you miss any pins, you'll notice them later.
ghporter Apr 12, 2019 07:30 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by mindwaves (Post 4406397)
Totally agree with this. It is extremely wasteful. Where I work, there are bakeries where you walk in, grab a tray and a tong and pick your bread. You present your tray to the counter and the person bags your bread into individual baggies (with no handles), tapes them shut with a good amount of tape, and then places all of them (all being more than 2, sometimes 1 if you ask) into a bag with a handle and gives it to you. If you ask for additional bag with handle for your 1 piece of bread, it is also ok and many people do. Extremely wasteful. Bread doesn't have cooties, do they? The person is just doing to throw the bag away instantly. I may understand if the bread is covered in some sort of cream, but this is just bread rolls, bagel type of stuff.
Bread doesn’t have cooties, but (as far as The Health Department is concerned) random food service people might. So, in an abundance of lawsuit avoidance, places like bakeries avoid their employees actually touching your food.

I will point out that the open trays and “sometimes used” tongs make the “no touchee” stuff not only even sillier, but absolutely pointless, because the lawsuit would read “failed to prevent germ ridden slimebags from fondling the food before I bought it.”

On the other hand, some of that packaging might be reusable. Those bags with handles can be reused. Lunch, books, etc., can be toted i such bags.
P Apr 15, 2019 06:57 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4406396)
There are pins everywhere!
How many? There used to be seven in my shirts, but they're usually down to six now with the last being some sort of paperclippy thing.
Dex13 Apr 18, 2019 02:56 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by P (Post 4406366)
I think the old AppleTV remote still works on the new AppleTV?
apparently they still shipped the og remote to countries that didn't have siri localization ... dug up my old one, works like a charm! thanks!

subego Apr 25, 2019 03:40 PM
A firmware updater so crummy it manages to crash the USB controller when I run it.
Thorzdad Apr 25, 2019 09:18 PM
Springtime in Indiana...When 45 minutes out of an hour of tv is taken over by your local Super-Doppler Storm-Team-13
Doc HM Apr 26, 2019 06:41 AM
TV shows in the format:
Coming up This, this and this. This has happened, now coming up This, earlier this, now this, earlier this (again). Coming up this, after this (earlier this happened), later this, after this, remember when this happened. Next week...
Laminar Apr 26, 2019 12:16 PM
I think that's why Top Gear UK was so refreshing for American viewers - just an hour straight through. Top Gear US had plenty of problems, but one that made it unwatchable for me was all of the recaps and coming-ups. They'd show the same "funny" moment 5 or 6 times throughout an episode as they'd tease it, show it, then recap it before and after every break.
Ham Sandwich Apr 26, 2019 12:39 PM
Atheist Apr 27, 2019 09:35 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Doc HM (Post 4406591)
TV shows in the format:
Coming up This, this and this. This has happened, now coming up This, earlier this, now this, earlier this (again). Coming up this, after this (earlier this happened), later this, after this, remember when this happened. Next week...
This. It drives me insane. They take 30 minutes of programming and stretch it into an hour.
Ham Sandwich Apr 27, 2019 04:02 PM
subego Apr 27, 2019 05:09 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Doc HM (Post 4406591)
TV shows in the format:
Coming up This, this and this. This has happened, now coming up This, earlier this, now this, earlier this (again). Coming up this, after this (earlier this happened), later this, after this, remember when this happened. Next week...
Quote, Originally Posted by Laminar (Post 4406593)
I think that's why Top Gear UK was so refreshing for American viewers - just an hour straight through. Top Gear US had plenty of problems, but one that made it unwatchable for me was all of the recaps and coming-ups. They'd show the same "funny" moment 5 or 6 times throughout an episode as they'd tease it, show it, then recap it before and after every break.
Quote, Originally Posted by Atheist (Post 4406598)
This. It drives me insane. They take 30 minutes of programming and stretch it into an hour.
I remember Mythbusters being a particularly horrible offender.
mindwaves Apr 27, 2019 07:51 PM
Official looking snail mail that looks like the real thing, requiring you to open it....

Websites that have the cookie dialog box, or prompt you to download their app, or breaking news header (even worse, heads that won't go away).
Ham Sandwich Apr 27, 2019 08:47 PM
subego Apr 28, 2019 02:56 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by mindwaves (Post 4406610)
Official looking snail mail that looks like the real thing, requiring you to open it....
I’ve found the “tell” with these is they will either have no return address, or if they do, it’s generally hidden, and/or won’t have the company name at the top.
Thorzdad Apr 28, 2019 04:42 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by mindwaves (Post 4406610)
Websites that have the cookie dialog box, or prompt you to download their app, or breaking news header (even worse, heads that won't go away).
I was on a website just yesterday. There was a video ad in the middle of the article. It was auto-play, of course. I could click to stop the video, so I did and scrolled down to keep reading the article. Once I had scrolled past the video, it suddenly appeared in the right sidebar, in a fixed position relative to the window, so it stayed visible as you kept scrolling. You could click it to stop, but once you resumed scrolling the article, the video started playing again.

Most aggravating thing I've run across on a website in a long time.
andi*pandi Apr 29, 2019 01:46 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by subego (Post 4406607)
I remember Mythbusters being a particularly horrible offender.
and every home improvement show. Without this, each episode would probably be 15 minutes.
subego Apr 30, 2019 02:29 PM
andi*pandi Apr 30, 2019 02:40 PM

also gangsters paradise does not seem appropriate
subego Apr 30, 2019 02:42 PM
Pretty much.
Chongo Apr 30, 2019 03:13 PM
I never played Sonic. Enlighten me as to Jim Carrey’s villain role.
subego Apr 30, 2019 03:37 PM
Mad scientist. His name is Dr. Robotnik, so wouldn’t you know it, he makes robots.

It looks like he’s a proto-version of the character until the last shot where he’s bald.
subego Apr 30, 2019 03:38 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4406692)
also gangsters paradise does not seem appropriate
Pretty much.

Edit: it’s probably the best part of the trailer, though... except for the rings on the Paramount logo.
Ham Sandwich May 1, 2019 03:04 PM
Chongo May 1, 2019 03:47 PM
Is this a good summation?
andi*pandi May 1, 2019 05:06 PM
oh, probably.
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