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gorgonzola Jul 17, 2007 04:30 PM
Report Forum Bugs Here
Many of you have noticed that a lot of weird things have been going on over the last week. This is due to a temporary new hire, thewebdrives, who's been fixing the bugs that were left over after we deployed our new forum theme several months ago. I'm sorry for the inconvenience with the weird behavior, but it's almost done. (As I'm writing this, the major outstanding issues are the messed up quick reply box and the new image resizer.)

To consolidate things moving forward, I'm making this new thread. Other than the two bugs above that I mentioned, all the bugs with the new theme have been fixed (to the best of our knowledge). If this is not the case, please use this thread to post any bugs that you see. Also, if you see some slightly weird behavior, wait to see if it lasts more than an hour or two, as it may be a very temporary side effect of some other changes being made.

If there are no more bugs, we will begin addressing some issues with the design itself that were brought up in the last round of feedback. As far as I can remember, the major issue there was that the thread icons don't differ enough from each other, and they're not easily distinguishable for the colorblind. We'll likely address this by changing a few of the icons so that threads you've posted in get an icon that's a different shape from the others.

If there are any other bugs or design issues you'd like addressed, please post them here now.
Kevin Jul 18, 2007 08:10 AM
If you want to subscribe to a forum it clicks you through two pages. One for the subscribe and one for a "you sure" or something of the like.

When you go here

Theh "Unsubscribe from this forum" link will take you to a page that tells you that you've unsubscribed from it without confirming as the subscribing link.

I've on man occasion accidentally hit this link and had to go back and subscribe again (It's a PITA)

I suggest either get rid of the link (You can unsubscribe within the forum itself) or add a "You Sure" option.

That way no forum is unsubscribed on accident.

Makes GUI sense.
besson3c Jul 18, 2007 01:30 PM
This board and Javascript errors
Just wanted to report, in case you missed this, that you appear to have several badly formed Javascript functions...

on page load:

Error: catflap_resize_image is not defined
Source File:
Line: 1

(I would imagine this might be contributing to the dynamic image resize problems you are trying to fix?)

Your mouseovers in the upper right hand corner nav bar:

Error: buttonOn is not defined
Source File:
Line: 1

on page load:

Error: invalid assignment left-hand side
Source File:
Line: 76, Column: 45
Source Code: = 'center';
Simon Jul 19, 2007 04:22 AM
Here's another bug that's been around since the theme change:

In the user CP the threads listed in "New Subscribed Threads" still link to the first post in the thread rather than to the first new post in that thread. This is strange because in the "Subscribed Forum List" the "Last Post" URLs have the "/new-post/" suffix so you are directed to the first new post. All that needs to be done is to add the "new-post" suffix to the URL in the links in the "New Subscribed Threads" list.
Peter Jul 19, 2007 09:39 AM
when i post something containing BBCode:

Warning: main(/var/www/macnn/macnn/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /includes/class_bbcode_alt.php on line 18

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '/var/www/macnn/macnn/forums/includes/class_bbcode.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/macnn/macnn/forums/includes/class_bbcode_alt.php on line 18

Peter Jul 19, 2007 09:40 AM
Obviously the bug is now fixed, but just thought I'd make it aware :)
Dakarʒ Jul 19, 2007 09:43 AM
I'm curious if anyone else has had seemingly random threads remain looking unread after being viewed. This seems to have started since the changes got underway.
MacosNerd Jul 19, 2007 11:45 AM
I noticed a problem (well I wouldn't call it a problem) with people's sigs. They're all turning into boobs. Like I said its not really a problem, in fact can we make sure it spreads so that more sigs have that :)
Rumor Jul 19, 2007 12:50 PM
It may be only me, but linked pictures are not showing up at all. Not even the little white box with a red x, they just aren't there.
Rumor Jul 19, 2007 03:09 PM
It appears that the img tags are fubar.
Dakarʒ Jul 19, 2007 03:12 PM
People keep saying this, but I haven't seen any problems all day.
Cold Warrior Jul 19, 2007 05:02 PM
RSS doesn't work.
besson3c Jul 19, 2007 05:20 PM
Error: window.event has no properties
Source File:
Line: 144
CharlesS Jul 19, 2007 06:00 PM
There's still no way to jump straight to a post you found using the "Search by Posts" feature. You can only get the first post in that thread, and if the thread is 10 pages long, it will be quite difficult to find the post that your search turned up.


Also, the last time I checked, the [code] tag still didn't have those nifty horizontal scrollers that it used to have before the forum redesign. Let's see if that's been fixed yet.

edit: nope, it hasn't!

edit 2: and let's see if the code tag is smart enough to ignore smilies. :) ;) :D :p

edit 3: it seems we have a negative on that one too.

Kevin Jul 20, 2007 06:34 AM
So who is the first that is gonna stick a fork in and take a bite?

I kiiid.... I kid.
Peter Jul 22, 2007 08:34 AM
the image tags in my sig are broke, no idea why - they were working a minute ago.
Heres the BBCode for my sig:

[ img][/img]
[ URL=][/URL]

Edit: Grr the code tag != Quote tag, really infuriating.
turtle777 Jul 22, 2007 01:09 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Peter (Post 3436537)
the image tags in my sig are broke, no idea why - they were working a minute ago.
I have issues with my sigs, too. Some of my sig pics are shown bigger than they actually are.

(e.g. pic of snapping turtle). The rotate script and images haven't changed n months, so it's gotta be the hampstor...

Peter Jul 22, 2007 01:40 PM
yeah it is.
For now your sig violates the sig rules btw, might wanna make it static for now...
turtle777 Jul 22, 2007 02:31 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Peter (Post 3436624)
yeah it is.
For now your sig violates the sig rules btw, might wanna make it static for now...
No, I don't violate the rules, the image is 200 x 40.

The forum software is violating the rules.

Peter Jul 22, 2007 02:44 PM
to me it looks like its your end, but im also aware that the image processing stuff on MacNN is bust. So who cares.

Edit: it renders fine outside of MacNN (manually reloading your sig) so it is MacNN - apologiez.
turtle777 Jul 22, 2007 05:56 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Peter (Post 3436651)
... but im also aware that the image processing stuff on MacNN is bust. So who cares.

Edit: it renders fine outside of MacNN (manually reloading your sig) so it is MacNN - apologiez.
Funny thing is, it doesn't only BLOW the sig up, it also shrinks it in other cases to about 50% of the original size. Go figure... :hmm:

C.A.T.S. CEO Jul 22, 2007 07:11 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Dakarʒ (Post 3433687)
I'm curious if anyone else has had seemingly random threads remain looking unread after being viewed. This seems to have started since the changes got underway.
I've had that problem too.

I've also had the problem of the forum being unresponsive, ie I'm browsing the forum, then I try to load a thread but it just sits there and I get a server not responding error in safari, eventually tho it will load.
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 07:25 AM
new subscribed thread fix.
Fix: In user control panel, threads in "new subscribed threads" now have been linked to first new post
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 07:33 AM
javascript errrors
Quote, Originally Posted by besson3c (Post 3432859)
Just wanted to report, in case you missed this, that you appear to have several badly formed Javascript functions...

on page load:

Error: catflap_resize_image is not defined
Source File:
Line: 1

(I would imagine this might be contributing to the dynamic image resize problems you are trying to fix?)

Your mouseovers in the upper right hand corner nav bar:

Error: buttonOn is not defined
Source File:
Line: 1

on page load:

Error: invalid assignment left-hand side
Source File:
Line: 76, Column: 45
Source Code: = 'center';
i hope these errors don't persist now. These might be due to work going on the image resizer that day as you guessed. In case you notice them again please do let us know.
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 07:36 AM
javascript errrors
Quote, Originally Posted by besson3c (Post 3434429)
Error: window.event has no properties
Source File:
Line: 144
there no such error now, you may have noticed this error due to ongoing work in that file that day.
dcmacdaddy Jul 23, 2007 08:17 AM
OK, this is a weird one, even by the forum standards.

I'm in the Poli/War Lunge and every thread has an extra "s" or ?s" or "s?" on the end of the thread name. I've got a screen shot if someone has a place for me to send it via e-mail.
Simon Jul 23, 2007 08:28 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by thewebdrives (Post 3437251)
Fix: In user control panel, threads in "new subscribed threads" now have been linked to first new post
Great. Thanks! :thumbsup: :)
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 08:29 AM
clicking on any new thread (that i've never been to) is taking me to the end of page/last reply. hard to tell.
Dakarʒ Jul 23, 2007 08:34 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by thewebdrives (Post 3437251)
Fix: In user control panel, threads in "new subscribed threads" now have been linked to first new post
Quote, Originally Posted by residentEvil (Post 3437278)
clicking on any new thread (that i've never been to) is taking me to the end of page/last reply. hard to tell.
Confirmed. This is not acting like its supposed to.

(and its going random places for me, not just the end of a thread)

Also, this is just clicking any thread, since I don't go into "Subscribed threads"
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 08:36 AM
correct; no subscribed thread for me either.

coming back to this thread took me to the top of the page this time and when i reported above it took me to the end.
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 08:59 AM
subscribed thread
ok checking the subscribed link issue again.
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 09:03 AM
code tag fix
I have fixed the code tag. It will now ignore the smilies and you would now see scrollbars in the code box so that you could scroll left and right and long lines would now not get wrapped
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 09:09 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by dcmacdaddy (Post 3437269)
OK, this is a weird one, even by the forum standards.

I'm in the Poli/War Lunge and every thread has an extra "s" or ?s" or "s?" on the end of the thread name. I've got a screen shot if someone has a place for me to send it via e-mail.
it is all over now...

i guess NN really did go gay with all the lisping "S"s at the end of every thread title.
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 09:25 AM
subscribed thread fixation
I have checked the subscribed thread fixation again, i hope its working correct. i haven't seen the old forum. let me explain how it is working-

- when you have subscribed to a new thread and it has a new post, the link will take you to that new post.

- if there is no new post it will take you to the first post of the thread.
dcmacdaddy Jul 23, 2007 10:03 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by residentEvil (Post 3437301)
it is all over now...

i guess NN really did go gay with all the lisping "S"s at the end of every thread title.
Either that or the precious, precious hampstor has gone "Gollum" with the lisping. ;)
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 10:32 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by dcmacdaddy (Post 3437333)
Either that or the precious, precious hampstor has gone "Gollum" with the lisping. ;)
i should probably watch those movies at some day.
rickey939 Jul 23, 2007 10:57 AM
Is Frank (effgee) officially off of this project? Just wondering.
Dakarʒ Jul 23, 2007 11:04 AM
I'm guessing he's unavailable.
Simon Jul 23, 2007 11:17 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by thewebdrives (Post 3437317)
- when you have subscribed to a new thread and it has a new post, the link will take you to that new post.

- if there is no new post it will take you to the first post of the thread.
But it's also adding "/new-post/" to the URLs of non-subscribed threads in other lists. The URL of a thread I haven't subscribed to should always point to the first post.
CharlesS Jul 23, 2007 12:26 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by thewebdrives (Post 3437295)
I have fixed the code tag. It will now ignore the smilies and you would now see scrollbars in the code box so that you could scroll left and right and long lines would now not get wrapped
Time to test it!

This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. This is only a test.


This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been advised to run around screaming and trampling any bystanders that happen to be in the area.

Smilies: :D :p :) ;)

edit: hmm, the horizontal scrollers aren't showing up, causing this to have an effect quite different from what was intended, I think. The smilies are a lot better now, though.
reader50 Jul 23, 2007 01:15 PM
I'm seeing the horizontal scrollers. FireFox Mac / OSX 10.4.6
starman Jul 23, 2007 01:34 PM
I see an 's' at the end of some forum titles.

"Seagull becomes crisp shoplifter ...s"
"Harry Potter 7 - No Spoilers!s ( 1 2 3 )"
"Check out my new Lord of the Rings video.s ( 1 2 )"
"Drive with the engine off" ?s "
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 02:05 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by starman (Post 3437567)
I see an 's' at the end of some forum titles.

"Seagull becomes crisp shoplifter ...s"
"Harry Potter 7 - No Spoilers!s ( 1 2 3 )"
"Check out my new Lord of the Rings video.s ( 1 2 )"
"Drive with the engine off" ?s "
reporteds aboves alreadys
CharlesS Jul 23, 2007 02:10 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by reader50 (Post 3437546)
I'm seeing the horizontal scrollers. FireFox Mac / OSX 10.4.6
Hmm, you're right - it displays correctly in the Gecko-based browsers such as Camino and Firefox. Unfortunately, in Safari 3 it results in a really, really, really wide thread.
residentEvil Jul 23, 2007 02:28 PM
now it is adding an S to member names....aaaaaah!

yes, i know it isn't really
thewebdrives Jul 23, 2007 02:48 PM
More details
Quote, Originally Posted by Cold Warrior (Post 3434395)
RSS doesn't work.
Please provide more information on this problem. How and where rss feeds do not work.
turtle777 Jul 23, 2007 03:50 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by residentEvil (Post 3437615)
now it is adding an S to member names....aaaaaah!
By golly, you are right. :eek:

analogue SPRINKLES
Yeah, I know, you were kidding.
Cold Warrior Jul 23, 2007 04:06 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by thewebdrives (Post 3437637)
Please provide more information on this problem. How and where rss feeds do not work.
In Firefox 2 I get the RSS icon in the address bar while browsing the forums. When I click it, it opens my RSS reader, NetNewsWire Lite, and subscribes to the feed. In the past, the feed would show me newly-posted threads (but not updated ones). However, for a long time now, the feed doesn't do anything at all. I've tried unsubscribing/deleting it from my reader and re-subscribing, but that hasn't helped.
rickey939 Jul 23, 2007 05:05 PM
Ummm, this place is a mess.
Kerrigan Jul 23, 2007 08:30 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by residentEvil (Post 3437615)
now it is adding an S to member names....aaaaaah!

yes, i know it isn't really
Teh Kerrigans LOL!s
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