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shifuimam May 12, 2020 07:14 PM
Pismo PowerBook G3 with mSATA SSD in IDE adapter - can't resume from sleep
I have a 400MHz Pismo PowerBook, and i just upgraded the aging HDD to a new 128GB mSATA SSD and accompanying IDE adapter. Install went relatively smoothly, but I've discovered sleep doesn't work properly. The machine goes to sleep, but upon waking from sleep, all I get is the dithered gray-brown screen typically seen at the happy Mac boot screen and the background OS 9 displays before loading your user profile's wallpaper.

I have a feeling this has something to do with the machine attempting to wake the SSD to access it and load the desktop, but I'm not sure how to investigate or fix it. Ideas appreciated!

Of note: I haven't installed or booted OS X yet, so I don't know if it will wake from sleep properly in OS X. I'm guessing yes, though. My DA PM G4 can't sleep either (seems to be due to the Sonnet CPU card I installed nearly 15 years ago lol I'm old) in OS 9, but OS X works fine.
BLAZE_MkIV May 12, 2020 09:41 PM
I have an early SSD that doesn't support wake from sleep in my Mac Pro. OWC had a firmware fix but it required shipping the drive back. In a laptop thats obviously unaceptable.
shifuimam May 12, 2020 10:16 PM
Oh bleah. Do you know if there's any firmware patch in the wild? Is it just a file that has to be present on the drive, or something more complex?

P May 21, 2020 04:13 AM
Have you tried using pmset to configure the hibernate mode? If you change it to 0, it should finish waking up without using the drive at all. This has downsides (it will crash if the battery runs out) but it is worth trying for troubleshooting.
shifuimam May 23, 2020 11:27 AM
I have not tried that - got a link on more info or a download? Or is this something done in OF?

Incidentally, I ended up buying an original restore CD on eBay, which was 9.0.4. After restoring that, sleep worked...until I upgraded to 9.2.1. Now I'm back to the Finder crashing when I wake from sleep.

Also - if that's an OS X thing, it might not work. My troubles are in OS 9.
reader50 May 23, 2020 12:29 PM
pmset is an OSX Terminal command. But the settings it modifies might carry over to OS 9. For more info, Terminal -> man pmset

You could try stopping at OS 9.1 or try Mac OS 9 Lives! downloads section. For a latest-version OS 9 image (later than retail 9.2.1) that might have later drivers.

It could be a single extension. If you narrowed down which one, you could use 9.2.1 with the extension from 9.0.4 or 9.1.
BLAZE_MkIV May 24, 2020 10:12 AM
Oh the memories of binary searching for extension conflicts
shifuimam May 29, 2020 07:25 PM
Are there any logging tools I can use to see what's barfing when the Finder crashes? That would help narrow it down...
shifuimam May 30, 2020 03:04 PM there any distinct advantage to 9.2.1 or 9.2.2 over 9.0.4 or 9.1.2?

I need MacPerl support, but everything else I do I think is supported across versions of OS 9.

ETA: I'm remembering now that 9.2 was ill-supported on older Macs that officially support OS 9. Sleep works fine in 9.1.2, so I think I'm just going to leave it on 9.1 and be done with it.
Thorzdad May 31, 2020 01:35 PM
If my memory serves (which, at my age, it might not) 9.2.1 was bug fix release, and 9.2.2 was mostly intended to address issues related to Classic Environment under OSX. I know the last OS9 Mac I ever used was updated to 9.2.1 and I don’t recall having any issues with it.
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