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Shaddim Oct 9, 2014 03:25 PM
It's the series Saul Goode, coming to A&E this winter.
ShortcutToMoncton Oct 9, 2014 10:06 PM
I'm always unexcited about spinoff shows. Almost none of them pan out. Saul was great in small doses and I have no desire for a full-on dose. I suppose we'll see.
ajprice Oct 10, 2014 03:30 AM
There will not be a third series of Utopia :(

Exclusive: C4’s Utopia won’t return for series 3 | Den of Geek
Face Ache Oct 10, 2014 06:35 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by ajprice (Post 4294980)
There will not be a third series of Utopia :(
Well that's slightly annoying. :hmm:
boy8cookie Oct 10, 2014 04:22 PM
Has anyone else watched Gotham? It's pretty good. My only gripe is the obviousness of the support characters so early on in the series. I guess it's for wider appeal.
Waragainstsleep Oct 11, 2014 05:06 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by boy8cookie (Post 4295085)
Has anyone else watched Gotham? It's pretty good. My only gripe is the obviousness of the support characters so early on in the series. I guess it's for wider appeal.
I've been watching but it pisses me off that they introduced about 90% of all Batman characters within the first episode. The only franchise worse than this is Star Wars which apparently CANNOT tell a story anywhere or any time in that universe without R2-D2 in it. And C-3PO, Chewbacca, Bobo Fett (or his relatives) and anyone else they can manage to make excuses enough to squeeze into the "plot".

When will people realise that the point of spin offs is to expand a universe that people love and want to see more of? Not yet another f****** rehash of everything we've all seen two dozen times already!
boy8cookie Oct 12, 2014 04:57 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Waragainstsleep (Post 4295143)
I've been watching but it pisses me off that they introduced about 90% of all Batman characters within the first episode. The only franchise worse than this is Star Wars which apparently CANNOT tell a story anywhere or any time in that universe without R2-D2 in it. And C-3PO, Chewbacca, Bobo Fett (or his relatives) and anyone else they can manage to make excuses enough to squeeze into the "plot".

When will people realise that the point of spin offs is to expand a universe that people love and want to see more of? Not yet another f****** rehash of everything we've all seen two dozen times already!
Pretty much what I was getting at, with slightly more rage.
Waragainstsleep Oct 12, 2014 09:23 AM
I've been working my way through The Practice on Hulu. Highly annoying that they decide to just leave out odd episodes.
turtle777 Oct 16, 2014 08:49 PM
Oh, The Practice, that was fun.

Season 8 is most fun. Alan Shore is a great character.

andi*pandi Oct 16, 2014 09:25 PM
I'm enjoying Gotham, but you're right, there's a little too many stories in the fire at once. I do like that it's more Jim Gordon's story than young Bruce, who frankly, would be boring if we focussed too much on his mopey self.

Donal Logue, guy playing Gordon's sleazy partner is awesome, I like him in everything, so it's odd to see him as a kind of bad guy. Well, not good guy. We shall see.
Waragainstsleep Oct 17, 2014 04:18 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by turtle777 (Post 4295942)
Oh, The Practice, that was fun.

Season 8 is most fun. Alan Shore is a great character.

Thats essentially why I'm watching it. Boston Legal is an all time favourite.
ajprice Oct 26, 2014 02:54 AM
Finished watching Breaking Bad. It really was a great show, and for me the ending was perfect. I'll watch something... shorter, next. Rather than another multi series marathon. Probably True Detective.
Waragainstsleep Oct 26, 2014 05:42 AM
True Detective was fantastic
turtle777 Oct 26, 2014 04:56 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Waragainstsleep (Post 4297305)
True Detective was fantastic
Agreed. Matthew McConaughey's acting was great.

ShortcutToMoncton Oct 27, 2014 12:30 PM
Waded through the first two seasons of Sons of Anarchy over the past couple months, and likely will not go further. It's okay - many enjoyable moments. But it leans far too heavily on highly contrived plot situations and plot twists, and annoying episode-to-episode plot devices.

It really tries to straddle the line between the traditional episode-based TV show (where almost every episode has its own little stand-alone arc and there's a New Event, Characters React, Plot Twist, Solution, Ending), and the new long-form style where the overall plot and character arc blends pretty seamlessly between episodes. Because of this there's lots of seemingly pointless introduction and then disappearance of events or characters, just to create a bit of plot tension for one particular episode. And (at least by the end of S2) no one has yet to provide a decent explanation for why gangs seem to be interested in fighting over the shitty little town of Charming specifically. :D

Overall it got pretty tiring (exhausting, almost) by the end of the second season. I asked around and friends said that my complaints aren't really addressed in later seasons, and so I figured I would do what I didn't have the sense to do with Dexter, and drop it before I got too far in. :D
Waragainstsleep Oct 27, 2014 02:54 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by turtle777 (Post 4297335)
Agreed. Matthew McConaughey's acting was great.

It seems like they want to make it their signature move to get an unexpected performance out of an underrated actor by throwing them in an unlikely role. I hear Colin Farrell is next up. Should be interesting.
ShortcutToMoncton Oct 28, 2014 08:55 AM
I don't know about that. Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan...? That's about as All-Star a cast as any TV show could hope for. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago McConaughey's performance might have been a surprise, but we found out a while ago that he actually has this range.

Well, Boardwalk Empire is finally over. See: my above comment about getting out while I still have the chance. What a beautiful but thoroughly mediocre show; it amazes me that to the last, the showrunners somehow thought that Nucky Thompson was actually why anyone was watching Boardwalk Empire. The least interesting character in the entire cast, and from beginning to end they refused to let any of the infinitely better supporting characters get some well-deserved attention. So puzzling...such a waste of time.
mattyb Oct 28, 2014 01:01 PM
Matthew McConaughey was excellent, especially the scenes where he's smoking and playing with beer cans.

Have to say that Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal just blows me away as well.
Waragainstsleep Oct 28, 2014 02:10 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4297571)
I don't know about that. Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Monaghan...? That's about as All-Star a cast as any TV show could hope for. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago McConaughey's performance might have been a surprise, but we found out a while ago that he actually has this range.
I think I saw True Detective before Dallas Buyers Club. Until recently has had a somewhat lightweight reputation.

This is pretty good:
ShortcutToMoncton Oct 28, 2014 02:47 PM
Naw, he got rightfully pigeonholed during his terrible aughts run, but it's like he flicked a switch as soon as the decade ended. Since 2010 everything he's done has been really solid.
ajprice Dec 2, 2014 12:35 PM
Netflix news - Black Mirror is on Netflix for all you Americans, all 6 of them.

It's been mentioned before, but it is good, very good. Go watch them :) Watch Black Mirror Online | Netflix

PS. They are also dark, very dark.
Cap'n Tightpants Jan 8, 2015 03:35 AM
Finally on board with Breaking Bad (way late to the party, I know) and holy shit, what an amazing thing. :blink:
ShortcutToMoncton Jan 8, 2015 02:29 PM
Check out Black Mirror Christmas special was pretty good albeit a little derivative to an earlier episode I thought
The Final Dakar Jan 8, 2015 02:32 PM
Does anybody watch Hell on Wheels? I'm on season 2, but since the pilot episode all I've felt is this is AMC's trying to create it's own Deadwood and failing miserably to have any of the things that made Deadwood great.
osiris Jan 8, 2015 02:54 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Cap'n Tightpants (Post 4306377)
Finally on board with Breaking Bad (way late to the party, I know) and holy shit, what an amazing thing. :blink:
Did you watch the whole series yet? It's an amazing series imo
design219 Jan 8, 2015 05:15 PM
I really enjoyed Marco Polo on Netflix.

Watch Marco Polo Online | Netflix
Cap'n Tightpants Jan 8, 2015 06:13 PM
The problem with Marco Polo is there's too little Marco Polo in it. :hmm:
ajprice Jan 9, 2015 02:25 AM
I just tried the search for this and nothing came up, so I'm going to add Broadchurch to the list. I finished on the first series lastnight so that I could start on series 2 which started here this week. Murder investigation into a boy at a seaside town, David Tennant and Olivia Colman are in it. It's on US Netflix.

I haven't seen it but there is an American remake version called Gracepoint, with Tennant as the same character but with an American accent. Apparently its not as good as the original.
ShortcutToMoncton Jan 9, 2015 09:05 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by design219 (Post 4306476)
I really enjoyed Marco Polo on Netflix.

Watch Marco Polo Online | Netflix
I...I...I can only say that in my humble opinion, Marco Polo is an utter mess of a thoroughly mediocre TV show.

But I'm really glad that you liked it!

;) :lol:
design219 Jan 9, 2015 10:55 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4306543)
Marco Polo is an utter mess of a thoroughly mediocre TV show.
Are we talking about the same show? I guess it's a matter of opinion, to each their own. :\ ;)
ShortcutToMoncton Jan 9, 2015 03:50 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by design219 (Post 4306561)
Are we talking about the same show? I guess it's a matter of opinion, to each their own. :\ ;)
Hah - exactly. I personally found the show to be fairly polarizing - as in very critical viewers didn't like it at all, whereas friends who were casual viewers seemed to enjoy it. (As might be obvious from this thread, I`m in the former camp. :p )

That became particularly obvious after I looked up online reviews. Marco Polo was excoriated by "critics", but Joe Public seems to have enjoyed it. In fact on the Rotten Tomatoes page, I see that it has a brutal 27% critics score but a 93% audience rating. :D

I really think it was a terrible show - at least from the 5 or 6 episodes I watched before I couldn`t take it any longer. But obviously many people must have liked it.
design219 Jan 9, 2015 05:47 PM
I feel lesser now. :thumbsup:
mattyb Aug 17, 2015 02:44 PM
How to Get Away With Murder
OreoCookie Aug 17, 2015 06:14 PM
I can't believe nobody has mentioned Sense8! I was very skeptical at first, because the idea behind the serious sounded a bit odd, but after watching it, I think it's genius — pure, unadulterated genius. I watched it before I knew that the Wachoskys banded together with JMS, and after finding out JMS was involved, I was extremely happy. Especially for Netflix and its worldwide audience, the series is just such a great fit.
Cap'n Tightpants Aug 17, 2015 09:54 PM
Teen Wolf, because I can't help myself.
ShortcutToMoncton Aug 17, 2015 10:47 PM
True Detective season 2 was a hot disaster mess

I was completely wrong about Better Call Saul - it was really really good, although the last episode threw me for a bit of a loop

Mr. Robot! Yes so far!

Sense8.......I can't do it, I just can't give the Wachowskis another chance. They don't deserve it.
OreoCookie Aug 18, 2015 04:24 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4330074)
Sense8.......I can't do it, I just can't give the Wachowskis another chance. They don't deserve it.
The praise is coming from someone who loathed their last movie, Jupiter Ascending. Hated that thing. According to what I have read, JMS has prepared a 5-season story arc, and that's what is leaving me hopeful about the prospects of the series beyond season 1.
ShortcutToMoncton Aug 18, 2015 07:12 AM
I mean.....there is no recorded history of anyone on earth actually liking Jupiter Ascending, so you're hardly unique there. :p
subego Aug 18, 2015 07:28 AM
Is it salvageable if you go into it knowing its really garbage?
ShortcutToMoncton Aug 18, 2015 07:55 AM
I mean.....every reviewer that I would trust seems to think that Sense8 is utterly and brilliantly insane in its ambition, and also utterly, completely terrible.

There are people who really like their approach to filmmaking. I personally think the original Matrix is the only movie they have ever made that could be characterized as something better than "good" (and it was truly great, however damaged by what came later); I consider every other project they have made to be "bad". So you may want to add salt appropriately given my objectively hater status.

Everything I have heard about Sense8 suggests it's their standard M.O, but even more insane. I fold!
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