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Hawkeye_a Jun 5, 2014 09:17 AM
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 5, 2014 11:21 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4279072)
Also, forgot to mention Orange is the New Black. I don't think anyone has suggested it yet?! Another Netflix exclusive and the second season begins this week. I wasn't sold on the first season at the start, but it ended up being surprisingly enjoyable and I would definitely recommend it as a series option.
Since I checked and didn't see anyone else recommend it - and a couple people have mentioned to me recently that season 2 is released this week - I'm going to double down on Orange is the New Black. Mostly because I'm curious to see what you'll think of it. :lol:

After having some conversations about the first season and thinking about it a little more, I'm clarifying my above rating from "surprisingly enjoyable" to "really very good". It was really not like anything I've seen before in terms of some of the subject matter, execution, and the surprising depth of the supporting cast (which was probably more interesting than the main character in many respects).
andi*pandi Jun 5, 2014 11:27 AM
I really enjoyed Orange is the New Black as well.

The second season of Orphan Black is turning a bit silly, but then I like that it's not relentlessly serious (hi fringe, yes you.)
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 5, 2014 01:35 PM
That is exactly what I did not need to hear and feared might happen given the production thus far. :D I think we might end up pulling the plug based on the five episodes we have watched.
andi*pandi Jun 7, 2014 10:34 PM
Vikings: really good. Almost done with Season 1. Not sure if it's the novelty, but I like seeing where it's going. Gotta say though, that Gabriel Byrnes' cutthroat earl almost makes you appreciate the relative mildness of modern day politicians. :D
Face Ache Jun 8, 2014 06:55 AM
Penny Dreadful.
BadKosh Jun 9, 2014 10:00 AM
You really need to watch Breaking Bad 2-4 times all the way through. Lots of subtle stuff. Set decoration and such are top notch.
Even after 4 watchings, Tuco and "Jack and the Nazi's" are really scary.
mattyb Jun 10, 2014 08:46 AM
Watched the first episode of True Detective last night.

Excellent. Heavy. Dripping with atmosphere. The photography is so well done. And Matt McConaughey is brilliant. Harrelson is great as well, but McConaughey ...
Waragainstsleep Jun 10, 2014 09:53 AM
TD is probably the only thing that comes close to Game of Thrones for excellence just now.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 10, 2014 09:55 AM
Yeah, I think you'll like the season. I actually liked Harrelson better overall for various reasons, but we can discuss when you're more into it. As I mentioned, my understanding is that each season is a stand-alone one, and I really like that idea. :D

Re: Orphan Black....I made it to the end of the first season and then gave up, even though it was a bit of a cliffhanger segue to S2. I just don't get, and the show does not explain, why
Face Ache Jun 10, 2014 07:03 PM
I started off enjoying Orphan Black, but Season 2 has lost me.
andi*pandi Jun 10, 2014 08:09 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4279938)
I just don't get, and the show does not explain, why
I took this to mean that because Sarah was

Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4279938)
I wasn't sure if this was futuristic/alternate reality, so any impossibilties or improbabilities are already on the table (hi fringe again).

Still, despite the silly turn of the last 2 episodes, it still is better than most other tv out there.

I find myself reluctant to get into season 2 of vikings. If that priest dies, I'm done.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 10, 2014 09:58 PM
What the ****? The new iPad is killing me.....I write a big response, switch to a new tab to check a fact, and the entire page gets refreshed and wipes out everything I've written. Is this the infamous insufficient memory issue? Incredibly annoying.
P Jun 11, 2014 02:46 AM
Yup, that's it. Before you leave the tab, hold to get the menu, Select All and Copy.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 11, 2014 08:46 AM
Guh. It can't even handle two tabs without refreshing? That is really brutal. :\

Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4280023)
I took this to mean that because Sarah was
Yes there are some factors that might steer Sarah away from authorities - what about

I wasn't sure if this was futuristic/alternate reality, so any impossibilties or improbabilities are already on the table (hi fringe again).
100% chance this has been the subject of many legal memos over the years - I think there was recently a SCOTUS case that danced around this issue, actually. Either way, no patent is going to be upheld stemming from

Furthermore this may be my self-interest talking, but why are characters signing life-altering documents and discussing patent law without talking to their lawyers? Is everyone on this show crazy? :p


Still, despite the silly turn of the last 2 episodes, it still is better than most other tv out there.
I guess....I suppose it depends on how much TV you watch. I don't watch very much, and I get very antsy when I feel I'm wasting what little time I have. :D
akent35 Jun 11, 2014 11:07 AM
Man, Fargo is something else! Last night's episode was full of surprises. And, Lester sure is a cunning man, even though he appears to be not very sharp. Only one episode left, the 1 1/2 hour final episode next week. I'm going to miss it (only 10 episodes this year).

The following week, Tyrant, a new series, starts on the same night, and in the same time slot. Hope it's as good. The one I am anxious about is Season 2 of The Bridge, starting on Wednesday, July 9th. I have all of Season 1, and I'm going to re-watch it, so I'll be recently up to date with the series.
abbaZaba Jun 11, 2014 04:40 PM
Just watched the most recent episode of Fargo. Top notch. Freeman's acting abilities have impressed.

Kind of sad it is these 10 episodes and done, but they sure are quality.
akent35 Jun 11, 2014 05:45 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by abbaZaba (Post 4280160)
Just watched the most recent episode of Fargo. Top notch. Freeman's acting abilities have impressed.

Kind of sad it is these 10 episodes and done, but they sure are quality.
Yeah, Martin Freeman is sure good as Lester! Also, Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo, and Allison Tolman as Molly Stevenson are top notch too!

And yeah, it's a bummer that there are only 10 episodes this season. Hopefully, there will be a Season 2 (I'll be closely watching any such announcement). There is this, that "hints" at a Season 2:

I would be real surprised if FX does not offer a Season 2 of this superior series! As it is, they did it for the two excellent series The Americans and The Bridge. Series 3 of The Americans has already been announced:

I'm betting The Bridge will also be renewed for a third season.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 12, 2014 09:54 AM
I have heard many good things about Fargo so will try to pick it up.
ajprice Jun 12, 2014 10:29 AM
Fargo is great, it's a week behind here so there's the last 2 episodes to go.

I like Orphan Black a lot, I've watched all of them upto S2E7 (I think)
I did think the accents, especially Sarah's Brit accent, were a bit iffy at the beginning, but it's either got better or I've got used to it. And from the filming and editing side...

abbaZaba Jun 12, 2014 11:26 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by akent35 (Post 4280169)
Yeah, Martin Freeman is sure good as Lester! Also, Billy Bob Thornton as Lorne Malvo, and Allison Tolman as Molly Stevenson are top notch too!

And yeah, it's a bummer that there are only 10 episodes this season. Hopefully, there will be a Season 2 (I'll be closely watching any such announcement). There is this, that "hints" at a Season 2:

Fargo Boss Hints That Season Two Probably Won’t Have the Same Leads, and We’re Having a Moment Over It | E! Online

I would be real surprised if FX does not offer a Season 2 of this superior series! As it is, they did it for the two excellent series The Americans and The Bridge. Series 3 of The Americans has already been announced:

‘The Americans’ Season 3 — FX Renews Cold War Drama | TVLine

FX's 'The Americans' Renewed For Season 3

I'm betting The Bridge will also be renewed for a third season.
The thing that makes me iffy about another season is that the Coen Brothers are producers on Fargo. It's why the series so closely resembles the movie (one of my #1 favorites) in tone and pacing. I'm just not sure if the Coen Bros will be doing more TV, but I sure hope it gets a second season.
akent35 Jun 12, 2014 12:41 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by abbaZaba (Post 4280244)
The thing that makes me iffy about another season is that the Coen Brothers are producers on Fargo. It's why the series so closely resembles the movie (one of my #1 favorites) in tone and pacing. I'm just not sure if the Coen Bros will be doing more TV, but I sure hope it gets a second season.
Possibly, but some more $$$$$ could cure that! I really hope there is a Season 2. It worked real well for FX with The Americans, and I'm betting Season 2 of The Bridge will be a success too.

By the way, Fox, which owns FX, did the same thing with another winner, The Following. Season 2 completed in late April, and it did real well. And, there is going to be a Season 3:

'The Following' Renewed for Season 3; 'Almost Human's Fate Still Uncertain

So, I find it hard to believe that FX will let Fargo "go away", so to speak. And, especially if they have the same "one-two" punch in the 10 PM time slot on consecutive nights: Fargo on Tuesdays, and The Americans on Wednesdays. I suspect, though, that The Americans will start up again in late January (shortly after Season 3 of The Following starts), as they did with Season 1. Season 2, I suspect, was purposely timed to start after the completion of the Soschi Olympics, which ended on the fourth Sunday of February. Real clever move on their part!
akent35 Jun 16, 2014 12:46 PM
Well, last night I watched the 1996 movie Fargo, and while it is good, I actually like the TV series better. Don't get me wrong, the movie is well done, and the acting is real good. But, here are my reasons for liking the TV series better:

1. Martin Freeman is much better as Lester Nygaard than William Macy was as Jerry Lundegaard. Lester, on the surface, appears not as "sharp" as Jerry was.
That alone is priceless!

2. Billy Bob Thornton, as Lorne Malvo, is definitely better as the cold blooded killer than Peter Stormare, as Gaear Grimsrud, was. Malvo is just so cool about how he goes about his killings!

3. Having Coin Hanks as the other police officer (Officer Gus Grimly) is another good fit. Such a character does not exist in the movie.

I will say, though, that Frances MacDormand, as the pregnant police chief Marge Gunderson investigating the murders, is very good, as is Allison Tolman as the deputy Molly Solverson.

I am getting more and more pumped up for the season finale, which airs tomorrow night!
ajprice Jun 16, 2014 05:35 PM
I watched ep 9 of Fargo lastnight, gawd it was tense!!!

Finale next Sunday night here. Can't wait :)
akent35 Jun 17, 2014 01:25 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ajprice (Post 4280586)
I watched ep 9 of Fargo lastnight, gawd it was tense!!!

Finale next Sunday night here. Can't wait :)
Yeah, I know what you mean! (I just EMailed my oldest son, who lives and works in London, about the show). Finale will be tonight, here in the US! I am also so, so pumped about it! Really hope there's a Season 2.
Face Ache Jun 18, 2014 08:37 AM
***spoiler alert***

The series finale of Fargo sucks donkey balls.

Face Ache Jun 18, 2014 04:39 PM
Fitting end to Fargo? Characters acting (stupidly) out of character? Major plot holes? Boring ends to great characters. The storyline fizzling out instead of a climax? Bah!
andi*pandi Jun 18, 2014 04:43 PM
On the bright side, I quite liked this week's episode of Orphan Black. :D
Thorzdad Jun 18, 2014 05:02 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4280906)
On the bright side, I quite liked this week's episode of Orphan Black. :D
I love that show.

Can't wait for whatever craziness happens in the finale this Saturday.
andi*pandi Jun 18, 2014 05:17 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4280916)
That was a long time coming. My only thought on that scene was at the ending,
akent35 Jun 18, 2014 06:01 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Face Ache (Post 4280901)
Fitting end to Fargo? Characters acting (stupidly) out of character? Major plot holes? Boring ends to great characters. The storyline fizzling out instead of a climax? Bah!
Not sure if I would characterize it that badly, but yeah, it was a disappointing end. I was really hoping for other things to occur, so that a "basis" for a Season 2 could be established. But, it looks like that is not going to happen.

Too bad, as it was one of the best series on TV. I just hope that "Tyrant", which starts on Tuesday on FX, in the same time slot, is as good. I am, though, expecting that season 2 of The Bridge (premiere Wednesday, July 9th, at 10 PM on FX) will be good.
Thorzdad Jun 18, 2014 06:44 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4280919)
That was a long time coming. My only thought on that scene was at the ending,
I've seen discussions elsewhere about that scene. One source reported that...
Face Ache Jun 18, 2014 07:25 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by akent35 (Post 4280927)
Not sure if I would characterize it that badly, but yeah, it was a disappointing end. I was really hoping for other things to occur, so that a "basis" for a Season 2 could be established. But, it looks like that is not going to happen.
Yeah, I was hoping for some delicious twist, but the way they wrapped it... might as well just have characters disappearing into a hole.

Oh wait... :err:
abbaZaba Jun 19, 2014 10:14 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Face Ache (Post 4280943)
Yeah, I was hoping for some delicious twist, but the way they wrapped it... might as well just have characters disappearing into a hole.

Oh wait... :err:
Why the surprise? This is exactly how the movie ended:

The only thing I felt unresolved in was
Everything else I was happy with.
akent35 Jun 20, 2014 08:06 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by abbaZaba (Post 4281019)
Why the surprise? This is exactly how the movie ended:

The only thing I felt unresolved in was
Everything else I was happy with.
I of course cannot state anything specific about this (not sure if and when anyone can do that), but to me, I see plenty of significant differences between the movie and the series. Not sure, though, if those would make a difference as to establishing a "basis" for a Season 2. And, of course, as was stated above, with the Coen Brothers as Executive Producers, it would have been difficult not to have similarities between the movie and TV series.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 21, 2014 06:11 AM
Started watching Fargo last night and ended up turning it off at the part where Marttn Freeman gets cornered by some big dude and punched in the face.

When or how does that happen? Ugh.
akent35 Jun 21, 2014 01:28 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4281297)
Started watching Fargo last night and ended up turning it off at the part where Marttn Freeman gets cornered by some big dude and punched in the face.

When or how does that happen? Ugh.
Too bad you got turned off by that. But, as the old saying goes, if you watch some more, you'll see "what goes around comes around". And, Martin Freeman (Lester) is quite cunning.
ShortcutToMoncton Jun 21, 2014 09:40 PM
Well it just seemed pretty unrealistic and forced.
akent35 Jun 22, 2014 01:39 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by ShortcutToMoncton (Post 4281354)
Well it just seemed pretty unrealistic and forced.
I myself did not see it that way, as to me, it is another example of both "re-bullying", and that there are some crazy people in this world. But, I can understand your perception, as one would expect mature individuals to not resort to such things.
andi*pandi Jun 22, 2014 07:09 PM
Season 2 Longmire is a nice refreshing change of pace from the other tv I've been watching. I started season 2 orange is the new black, and took a break with Longmire... I think I'm enjoying it more.
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