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OreoCookie Dec 10, 2021 10:18 PM
Controversial hot take: Samurai Champloo is superior to Cowboy Bebop, in terms of story, characters and music.

Also, the last season of The Expanse has started to come out. The first episode was pretty good, albeit a bit depressing. But good. I heard that they won’t try to wrap up the entire story, thereby avoiding what happened to Game of Thrones. We shall see. But we are out for a good start, I say.
subego Dec 11, 2021 11:33 PM
I never watched Samurai Champloo. I assume it’s very different.
OreoCookie Dec 12, 2021 08:10 PM
It’s by the same people who did Cowboy Bebop, so it has all the good stuff that Cowboy Bebop has: great music, great fight scenes, cool characters. Rather than a Bebop theme, it’s based on hip hop. And rather than being set in the future, it is in the recent past (late Edo period in Japan). If you are a fan of Cowboy Bebop, you should definitely check it out. Personally, I find it better in every way. And I really like Cowboy Bebop!
subego Dec 13, 2021 07:41 PM
I’m sure I’d like it! :)

The way my tastes run, I’m wondering if that would still leave Bebop on top. I like hip-hop, and Japanese period stuff, but like sci-fi and jazz more.
OreoCookie Dec 13, 2021 08:10 PM
I’m not a hip hop person by any stretch. But somehow Samurai Champloo jives better. In any case, even if you end up ranking it below Cowboy Bebop, you’ll have a great time. :)
subego Dec 14, 2021 12:32 PM
Oh, I’m sure I’d love it, and I’ve never heard anyone say something bad about it.

I guess what took me aback by the original comment is a big reason Bebop resonated was it captured a certain late 90s ennui about the future. That’s not impossible to capture in a period piece, but it’s a lot tougher because we know what the future is in a period piece.

Of course, that really doesn’t have anything to do with the quality of the writing in and of itself, or how well integrated the music is, so it’s not really countering your point.
OreoCookie Dec 14, 2021 09:47 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by subego (Post 4422617)
Oh, I’m sure I’d love it, and I’ve never heard anyone say something bad about it.

I guess what took me aback by the original comment is a big reason Bebop resonated was it captured a certain late 90s ennui about the future. That’s not impossible to capture in a period piece, but it’s a lot tougher because we know what the future is in a period piece.
I never got to see either in period, but in the mid- to late-2000s. Cowboy Bebop certainly has 1990s anime lines in its drawings, very distinct and period correct. Samurai Champloo is already an evolution, more flow rather than sharp, angled lines. Both are beautiful.

But IMHO both can't touch the two seasons of Ghost in the Shell anime series from 2004–2006. The movie is excellent, but the series is two notches above that. The writing still holds up perfectly. For example, the first season is about how social media can cause mass movements without a figure head, organization or central planner. Does that somehow ring a bell? And the story line of the second season is in part about Japan's alignment with the US, there is a schism in the government between old-school hardliners who want to stay closely aligned and the then prime minister who wants to forge a more independent path. Sound familiar? The other big story line is about Japan's refugee policy. This was written 15 effin' years ago, before e. g. Twitter existed! Pure brilliance in writing with substance. And the music is top notch (Yoko Kanno does not disappoint), the sound tracks (yes, plural) is still in active rotation.
OreoCookie Jan 15, 2022 06:51 AM
I was really positively surprised how the creators of The Expanse managed to wrap up the series. Yes, I hate them that there will be no new episodes. And I would have liked more episodes in Season 6. Just more. But they went out with a bang. The character-centric bits were great, many exchanges epic. The space battles were OMG. And the resolution at the end was satisfying. Maybe a bit too much happiness and joy at the end, but I take it. The characters have gone through enough.
ShortcutToMoncton Jan 15, 2022 07:54 AM
Wait, this week is the last episode??

I would never have expected that. I’ve been hate-watching this mediocre pos for some unknown reason, but if I have to look at holden’s resting brooding face or Marco’s eyeliner ever again it’ll still be too soon.
OreoCookie Jan 15, 2022 10:51 PM
I’m genuinely surprised, ShortcutToMoncton. The Expanse is typically considered one of the best scifi series out there. For me it easily beats out any incarnation of Star Trek (and I am a big fan). The only other series that can keep up with it is Bablyon 5 IMHO (and this is being relaunched — I’m super excited). It has consistent and relatively realistic physics, great space battles, which actually make sense (not like in Star Trek where Kirk outsmarts his opponent by noticing that space is three-dimensional :D).

But horses for courses.
Waragainstsleep Jan 16, 2022 06:28 AM
Anyone seen Ricky Gervais' Afterlife on Netflix?
Thorzdad Jan 16, 2022 10:55 PM
I’ve seen the listing, but gave it a pass. I’m not really a Gervais fan.
OreoCookie Jan 16, 2022 11:18 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4423138)
I’ve seen the listing, but gave it a pass. I’m not really a Gervais fan.
Same here. It's too much aggression and derision for my taste, and too little introspection.
Waragainstsleep Jan 17, 2022 06:56 AM
You might find that hat one a little different. Theres a lot of introspection I'd say.
OreoCookie Jan 17, 2022 08:47 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Waragainstsleep (Post 4423140)
You might find that hat one a little different. Theres a lot of introspection I'd say.
I might give it a try then. Thanks!
andi*pandi Jan 18, 2022 01:31 PM
I think I watched that a while back. As a person who similarly finds gervais grating, Afterlife was not typical.
Brien Jan 19, 2022 01:48 AM
Started Yellowstone.
Doc HM Jan 19, 2022 05:33 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4423160)
I think I watched that a while back. As a person who similarly finds gervais grating, Afterlife was not typical.
Did not like Season 3 nearly as much. Tonally a lot cruder and ruder. Also pretty problematic treatment of female characters in relationships, not least the absent Roxy.
Thorzdad Jan 20, 2022 06:21 AM
Have been hate-watching the Boba Fett series on D+. It’s...not good.
Laminar Jan 20, 2022 10:32 AM
Well I for one have always wanted a story to humanize the Tuscan Raiders. Fortunately, he found one of the "good" tribes that doesn't murder people, except when they capture, enslave, and murder people.
subego Jan 20, 2022 12:22 PM

Napoleon was the Tuscan raider.
Laminar Jan 20, 2022 12:30 PM
Thorzdad Jan 20, 2022 12:51 PM
subego Jan 20, 2022 12:57 PM

3 womp rats…
Laminar Jan 20, 2022 02:57 PM

I just GIS for Tuscan Chicken, no recommendation on the above.
andi*pandi Jan 26, 2022 09:32 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Doc HM (Post 4423213)
Did not like Season 3 nearly as much. Tonally a lot cruder and ruder. Also pretty problematic treatment of female characters in relationships, not least the absent Roxy.
I don't think I watched that season.

Currently catching up on Home Economics. Light. Funny. Only slightly cringe. Cheech was on the last episode and made a Dave isn't here injoke.
Not sure if I should recommend Being Erica or not. At times it was fun but then would suddenly go darker than you expected. The ending was... meh.

Just look up was excellent.
Laminar Feb 17, 2022 10:07 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4423220)
Have been hate-watching the Boba Fett series on D+. It’s...not good.
Any thoughts on the season overall?

MacNNFamous Feb 17, 2022 11:52 AM

Give yer balls a tug, tit fucker
andi*pandi Feb 17, 2022 03:51 PM
A whole show just about Shoresy? I dunno, but we'll see. I find the character a bit much. However Letterkenny is a fun show. I wonder how much is scripted and how much is just the actors riffing.

Season 2 of the witcher was enjoyable, not as confusing plotwise (there's a meta comment about that) but more character development.

Currently for light fare enjoying Home Economics, Abbott Elementary, and, kind of, The Real O'Neils. The lengths I will go to avoid finishing the Expanse or watching anything heavy...
Thorzdad Feb 17, 2022 04:51 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Laminar (Post 4423812)
Any thoughts on the season overall?

MacNNFamous Feb 17, 2022 06:24 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by andi*pandi (Post 4423816)
A whole show just about Shoresy? I dunno, but we'll see.
Fuck you Andi, your mom ugly cried because she left the lens cap on the camcorder last night!
andi*pandi Feb 18, 2022 12:45 PM
Fuck you Rob, your mom just liked my Instagram post from two years ago in Puerto Vallarta.
Doc HM Feb 18, 2022 05:55 PM
Been slow to catch up as I've been working but I now after 15 seasons I have a supernatural shaped hole in my viewing life.
Been a prt of the landscape for a looooooong time. Like loosing a remote family member. A bit.

Was quite up and down on the finale. As it started I was noooooooooo this isn't the end the characters needed, which morphed into oh wait maybe it is before ending up with I guess a please everyone ending was never possible. It certainly wasn't GoT style send of so we can be thankful for that.
May have to revert to season 1 and redo.
Brien Feb 19, 2022 11:06 AM
Quote, Originally Posted by Thorzdad (Post 4423818)
Thorzdad Feb 19, 2022 04:56 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Brien (Post 4423851)
As I understand it, the show was unofficially considered as Mando s2.5. S3 is coming.
andi*pandi Apr 29, 2022 12:32 PM
Trying to cancel at least one of these subscriptions. Hulu is likely.

Lately on Apple TV:
Ted Lasso Season 2: finally started it, still enjoyable characters but not as much suspense over plot, so far.
Severance: First episode was slow. Then it really got interesting in a quirky way.
Suspicion: Started well but got ridiculously stupid.
Slow Horses: Because Gary Oldman is so very good even when playing an old fart, and spies. Very well done. They are doing this one ep a week style which is hard. Guess they figured out binging is bad for business?

Moon Knight: A marvel story I had no background at all in but so far we are loving this. Kid is appalled that we have to wait a whole week for another episode. Jes like the ol' days, I drawl.

We eagerly await Stranger Things 4.
Laminar Apr 29, 2022 01:10 PM
We get Hulu/D+/ESPN through Verizon as part of our plan. I also get Apple music through Verizon, so I'm planning to ditch Amazon Prime before renewal, next October. Floated cancelling Netflix to the wife, but she veto'd that for the occasional movie or episode of Queer Eye that she likes to veg on.

We just watched episode 2 of Moon Knight last night. I don't know if the Marvel movies have ruined pacing for me, but the shows feel so slow.
Doc HM May 1, 2022 09:39 AM
Super late to the party but I am enjoying Elementary. What on earth is Lucy Liu doing in it. It's so low budget old school episodic TV, but it still manages to to be fun. Season 2 sprinkles some additional canon characters in (loved Sean Pertwee as Lestrade) and the take on Moriarty is well done. 7 seasons to plough through which is a bonus.
The Final Shortcut May 1, 2022 12:07 PM
The incredible Barry season 3 is on
The incredible Better Call Saul season 6 (final season) is on
The incredible and weird Atlanta season 3 is on
Tokyo Vice is also recommended although I have comments
Just watched the first episode of Under the Banner of Heaven, pretty decent so far and fills everyone’s lack of LDS content
andi*pandi May 2, 2022 12:48 PM
Quote, Originally Posted by Doc HM (Post 4424908)
Super late to the party but I am enjoying Elementary. What on earth is Lucy Liu doing in it. It's so low budget old school episodic TV, but it still manages to to be fun. Season 2 sprinkles some additional canon characters in (loved Sean Pertwee as Lestrade) and the take on Moriarty is well done. 7 seasons to plough through which is a bonus.
Agreed up until about, oh, season 4 or 5...
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